Thursday, December 13, 2007

03 - Wing Night

"Well, that’s the last thing on the list," Flatfoot says, crossing off the final task on his and Teckstyle’s community service sheet. "Though I can’t really see what was so valuable about that piece of artwork."

"What do you mean," Asks Teckstyle. "It had to be. That’s why the Family stole it."
"I dunno, I guess its just the subjective nature of art, but I just can’t get excited about protecting a minimalist postmodern collection of scribbles."

"Would you prefer it had scantily clad women on it?"


"Well I would."

"I noticed," says Flat. "I saw you eying Luminary."

"Was it that obvious?" Teck asks.

"Definitely. Though I’d stay away from her if I were you."

"Why?" Teck asks defensively.

"Dude, she’s a robot."

"What? I don’t believe you."

"How do you not know this? She’s with that Citadel guy. He didn’t look too happy with the way you were acting."

"Wow, I never knew…"

"Sure," Flat says, then adds under his breath, "Robo-philiac."



"Hey, look over there," Teck says, pointing to a group of uniformed men. "Sky Raiders."

"Who’re they?"

"Mercenaries. They fly around with jetpacks."

"Why do their helmets look like-?"

"Look at them, making some kind of dirty deal with one of the Family. We’ve got to stop it!"
Teckstyle takes aim at the Family member. A few seconds later, he lies sprawled on the ground, the Sky Raiders drawing their guns.

"Don’t worry, I got ‘em," Flat says, wading into the mercenaries. "Geez guys, who dresses you?" he asks them.

"Your mama!" their leader snarls.

"Oh snap!" Flatfoot shouts and immediately turns on him, reigning blow after blow on the Sky Raider. He’s so focused he doesn’t even notice Teckstyle taking out the rest with wave after wave of energy.

The Sky Raider captain, dazed and bleeding from the nose, takes to the air over the water in an attempt to escape. Flatfoot looks up at the retreating mercenary, a funny look in his eyes.

"I’m taking it," He says, jumping into the water after him.

"Take what?" Teck shouts after him.

"His backpack! Flat’s gonna fly tonight!"

"Wait," Teck calls. "It won’t work for you!" Too late, the scrapper is out of earshot. "Idiot," Teckstyle mutters and flies after him.

Naturally, Flatfoot fails to catch the flying crook, who has by now flown all the way across Independence Port. Flat stops swimming when he realizes he’s not going to catch the Sky Raider, then thinks about what to do next.

"Funny, the water doesn’t seem so deep around here," he says, feet touching something solid. "Hey, wait, that’s not right."

The water bubbles and boils around him as a gigantic shape rises out of the water, followed by four enormous tentacles.

One of the tentacles grabs Flatfoot off the octopus’ head and dangles him in front of one huge, black eye. "Um. Hi?" Flat tries. In response the tentacle begins shaking him violently.
"Oh God, its gonna eat me!" the scrapper shouts.

Teckstyle sees the octopus rising out of the water, sighs, and flies toward it. He can see other heroes flying, jumping, speeding and even teleporting to the monster.

"Octopus spotted in Indy Port!" calls one controller, the first one there.

"Roger, on my way," answers a defender.

"Hey, what’s that scrapper doing up there?" asks a tanker.

"What every scrapper should be doing, fighting like there’s no tomorrow," a scrapper answers. "You show him who’s boss!" she shouts up at Flatfoot.

"Actually, I think he’s screaming like a little girl," the defender says. "Oh, wait, he’s stopped now. Hmm, now he’s just dangling there."

Teckstyle and an army of other heroes arrive. "Right, take out the tentacle around the idiot first."

An incredible amount of firepower is directed toward the tentacle grasping Flatfoot connects, causing the octopus to cry out in agony, drop the scrapper, and sink back down to the depths.

"Quick, bubble him before he drowns," grunts the tanker. The controller nods and surrounds Flatfoot in a soapy green force field. Flat, for his part, floats unconsciously away from the fracas.

"Stay alert," the defender says. "That thing’ll be back"

A few minutes later, the octopus is down, the waters are still again, and Flatfoot’s bubble washes ashore. He wakes up, coughs, and looks around. A Hero Corp. field analyst stands near him, smiling.

"Um, hello," Flat says. "Why am I in a glowing hamster ball?"

"Oh, that’s a force field. Some controller must’ve put it on you."

"Is…is it permanent?"

"No, it’ll run out eventually. Here," she says, handing him a small metal disc.

"What’s this?"

"A badge for helping to save the city from that horrible monster. Its our little way of saying ‘thanks’. Positive reinforcement, and all that."

"Oh, thank you," Flat says, accepting the disc. The Hero Corp. analyst walks away.
Flat feels around for a pocket. "Hey wait, where do I keep this?"

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