Sunday, December 16, 2007

06 - Yarr

Spanky’s Boardwalk used to be one of the premier hang out spots on Talos Island, but that was before the Warriors and Tsoo started fighting over it. Since then, most normal people shy away from it because of the gang violence.

Flatfoot is nothing close to an ordinary person. In fact, today, he’s about as far from ordinary as he can possibly be. Currently, he’s standing on the beach, feet in the water, looking out to see and doing his best to scowl.

A blaster flying overhead looks down, sees the scrapper doing an old man and the sea routine, and flies down. "Flat?" Teckstyle asks.

"Yarrr," the scrapper answers.

Teck pauses for a moment. "Ok. I’ll bite. Why the eye patch Flat?"

"Yarrr, I be Flatbeard the pirate," Flatfoot says, turning to scowl at Teck. "Now listen ye closely while a story I tell. T’was many a moon ago when, on a stormy night, much like this, I espied the Flying Dutchman from this very shore."

"Its not stormy. The only way we ever get any water is through Ice and Storm controllers. And you saw the ghost ship. So has everyone else."

"Yarrr, the ship, she glowed as green as a witch’es eye, and did ‘nae stop when it run aground. Nay, it passed right through me very body like it were a cloud."

"Yeah. It does that." Teck says, crossing his arms.

"Mock me not, ye, um, air lubber. Only then did the horror truly begin. Only then did the living dead walk among us!"

"Oh come on, Flat. The dead already walk among us. Ever been to Dark Astoria? Its crawling with them."

"Yarrr, do they glow as green as an empty bottle of rum pulled from Davey Jones’ Locker?" Flat asks, pointing a finger at Teck.

"Ok, now you’re just babbling like an idiot."

"Yarrr, I be seeing them with me one good eye, and I fights them off, well nigh four score of them, though me trusty parrot were not so lucky." Flat persists.

"You don’t have a parrot. Never did."

"Er, a small kitten sitting on me shoulder, firing beams of pure hellfire?"

"Those don’t exist."

"All right, a small panda sitting on my shoulder, firing beams of-""Now you’re just trying too hard. Its not even cute anymore."

"Yarrr?" Flat asks.


"Yarrr!" he tries again.

"Will you take that ridiculous eye patch off?!" Teck shouts, pulling out the Nemesis Staff and waving it in a threatening manner.

"You’re no fun anymore," Flat says, pulling the eye patch off.

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