Sunday, November 2, 2008

34 - Tecknobabble

*The road to SCWOIFD Just About Ends Here!!

Deep inside a hidden underground laboratory, a figure in red armor tinkers with…something on a lab table.

"Are you done yet?" Deadfoot asks from the table. He’s still trapped inside a giant mousetrap.

"Just a few more seconds," Teckstyle says. "I’m just looking for- ah! Found it."


"The serial number on your little whatever generator. I thought it looked familiar."


"That part that you’ve got in there that keeps you up and running is a modified version of the power plant inside my own armor."

"You sure of that?"

"Same exact serial number. I want some answers."

"About what?" Deadfoot asks.

"What happened to your universe’s version of me?"

"Oh. Hm. Let’s see… Now I remember! You’re, uh, not going to like it."

"Lay it on me."

"Um, he died in his sleep."

"Oh." Teck says, a little disappointed.

"Knew you wouldn’t like it."

"That’s it?"

"Well, actually it was the building falling on him WHILE he was sleeping that did it, but yeah."

"A building fell on me, er, him?"

"Yeah. It was when Kid Flatfoot first went all cosmic powered and started leveling buildings. Apparently parts of your armor were salvaged from the rubble by Crey, and I guess those parts of one dead hero, you, went to revive another dead hero, me."

"How do you know that?"

"Actually I’m just guessing, but it sure would be ironic, wouldn’t it?"

A loud beep interrupts the conversation. Teck presses a button on a large console.

"Go ahead."

"Teck? Its Flat, I think we’ve rounded up all the alternate me’s out there."

"Good. Any idea how to get rid of them?"

"Well…actually something’s come up. The city’s in this great big panic."

"What did you do this time Flat?" Teck asks, shaking his head.

"Hey, this time its not my fault. Apparently some kind of gigantic monster that looks a bowl full of jelly is terraforming a huge part of the city. You done there yet? We kind of need you."

"Yeah. I’m bringing Deadfoot over. Couldn’t find an off button."

The console beeps off and Teck turns to Deadfoot.

"So much for washing up."

"Wait, you’re not trapped in that thing?" Deadfoot asks.

"No. Geez, I can take it off whenever I want."

"Oh. See, I just figured that there was some kind of hideous disfigurement or medical condition that made you keep that on all the time."

"Nope. I just like wearing it. Its like having my own apartment. I’ve got WiFi access, digital surround sound, Doppler weather detection equipment-" The suit beeps. "Huh, and apparently I’ve had a fully stocked mini fridge in here the whole time and didn’t even know about it. Well, that’ll come in handy today."

Next Time: The Countdown clock breaks, meaning its time for a Secret Crisis War On Infinite Flatfoots: Dissassembled!! People Will Die! Maybe not important people, but shucks howdy, there's gonna be a body count!

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