Sunday, November 2, 2008

40 - Obligatory Clip Show

"Man, this place is great. How come I’ve never been here before?" Flatfoot asks.

"That’s because it wasn’t here before." Teckstyle says "Remember?"

"Yeah, the neighborhood’s really changed a lot. So many happy memories…"

"Like what?" Teck asks.

"Well, this is where I lost my first sidekick…"

"You mean your only sidekick."

"Shh. Don’t jinx it," Flat says. "And here’s where I’ve discovered the best donuts in the city."

"Flat, that was ten minutes ago."

"Seemed like it was only five…" Flat says wistfully. "Yes sir, me & Faultline go back a long way."

"Flat, you hated this place before. Everyone did."

"I only hated it because I loved it so much. Say, this reminds me of that time we took down the Clockwork King…"

Before we get bogged down in a flashback, let’s check in on the Rogue Isles.

"So, where are we going now?" Deadfoot asks his mysterious companion. The two are sulking through the alleys of Sharkhead Isle.

"Just a little place called Potter’s Field."

"What, the cemetery? Cool. Why?"

"We’re going to meet up with an old friend there."

"Were you being sarcastic?"


"And then there was that time on Striga where I got that old lady’s wedding ring," Teckstyle says.

"Oh yeah, fought a lot of those vampire-things to get through," Flat says wistfully. "You ever end up giving that ring back?"

Teck’s fist clenches suddenly. "I lost it," he says. "Yep. Lost it. Very clumsy of me to lose such a precious heirloom. But I don’t have it. No sir."


Teck turns his back to Flat and opens his hand. "Good, he believes me. I would never lose you my preciou--"

"You know I can hear you," Flat says.

"Ah. Hey, remember when we went to that Goth party dressed in chainmail and furs and quaffed all the ale?"

"Tell me again why these two are worth saving?" the purple glow asks.

"Well the dumb one’s the only one fast enough-"

"And dumb enough,"

"Yes, of course. That goes without saying. And the less dumb one is the only one who knows how to shut down a nuclear chain reaction of that scale."


"Well, the suit knows at least."

"That makes sense at least."

Back in Potter’s Field, Deadfoot and his mysterious companion enter a small crypt after knocking aside some loitering zombies. Down a torch lit flight of steps, the two enter a well lit lab dominated by a swiveling office chair. You know, the kind with the wheels.

"Crank Shaft!" the mysterious stranger yells. "What news?"

The chair swivels to face the duo. Seated in it is a man armored in black and orange. In his lap is a small robot cat. He strokes it absentmindedly. "The anti-bomb is almost ready. All I have to do is load it up with negative energy."

"Good. Good."

"Hey Cranky," Deadfoot says.

"Not him! Why him? Why did you have to bring him?" Crank asks. The robot cat lets out a hiss of steam at the brute.

"He works cheap," the stranger says.

Deadfoot shrugs. "Its true."

The stranger shrugs off his robes. "Now, back to work. Soon it will be time for the REVENGE OF THE REVERSE-FLATFOOT!"

"Wow, that’s a lot of yellow you got," Deadfoot says. "Its not really slimming."

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